Saturday, May 30, 2009

Winding down

Self portrait, 2009

Summer is ending here in Manila - and so is my brief stint as a full-time writer and illustrator. In two months, I go back to building my "real" career as an academic researcher and will be leaving home for another round of studies in the US.

I remember starting this blog with a resolution to spend more time drawing and finally getting some ideas down to paper. With the weeks winding down and work building up, I wonder if I've been able to do enough?


  1. Cute! Friendly, curious and flexible robot!

  2. You have a wonderful and inspiring blog. Hope you get to keep up with the illustrating as you go back to researching. All the best!

  3. when you get back to work i think drawing will keep you sane hahaha!!

  4. Thanks guys! I hope I'll be able to keep drawing too :P

  5. this is so lovely, I love the perspective.
    I hope you manage to keep drawing!
    Good luck with the studies.
